
Expired: Car share from Florida to Sedona on Sunday, September 1, 2024 12:00 PM
Car share Sunday, September 1, 2024 12:00 PM Expired Florida Sedona

I bought tickets to Bashar in Sedona 2024. The event is on September 14th but I was thinking about taking a slow or fast trip there. I asked my family to go with me but they are all busy working or doing school. I am a retired U.S. Army Combat Medic Specialist. I was in the army for 20 years. I am looking for primarily a woman. Why? Mostly because I prefer. But! if you are a dude, and have tickets to the same place as me, I feel it’s meant to be and you should message me. lol. I have a luxury SUV so we should be good to take my vehicle. It’s also in perfect condition and safe as all heck cuz I’m into that kinda thing…ya know being a medic n all that lol.
I’m looking to split expenses by splitting a room and food! I can buy the food, I just need you to cook it loooooool. I also wouldn’t mind eating at restaurants and trying new things. I’m looking to make a friend. If you have questions or want to know me shoot me an email.